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Internet is a big net!

Internet is a big net for new Generationa today!

Internet, slave, net,

How is a young man today? Is he doing all that he should do or was wasting time? I had heard from my elders that when we had to go to school, we could run away from school wall or else school They had a hole in the wall and ran away from them and enjoyed it a bit different from today than they have today, and they take their teachers or their big hold of this movement or understand their actions. Do they do something wrong by bunking the school? Of course, they used to do the time-waste, but they used to do all the activities that the youngsters should do today, like the first two games were very famous, like catching each other, which is said to be salty water(CHINA PANI in hindi) in the common language.

 They had to catch each other and another kabaddi Or were you very famous with Hyde and Sek? We have never played any of these games. They would have lost their time from these games, but were tight and fit and they were easily caught through their elders but today our generation What has happened to everybody with a smartphone and it has reached a limit and what it does, it is also difficult to catch them. Mobile offers many benefits but its losses are also not reduced. Sucker for young children.

Today no mobile is seen playing games, so some side works. You can understand that if you are asked to run a small race from childhood to childhood, then it is already tired and at the time of full-time or impart He should definitely have a smartphone for him. I'm talking about the laptop laptop. He does not know how much damage he will have with the use of it. Today's children are headache The complaint is more. There is no heart in your essential work. There is a problem in the eyes. There is no problem in concentrating on the whole day. The sole reason of this is the overuse of mobile smartphone which is causing problems in the children's jaws.

 It has happened and it has been proved that due to this the diseases of mobile and Yeovor Yus are mostly in the jaws, because today's Generation has received a lot of comment and It does not want to earn virility, which is not very special, if it is his profession, then it is a different matter, the social media has a huge hand in it, the new generation is easily penetrating within it.
Today world is the slave of the internet.


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